Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Jamie’s Mission!!

    Please help support Jamie’s Mission! Jamie’s Mission Allow me to introduce Offical Queen aka Jamie, aka @officialqueenoftiktok1 on TikTok. Jamie is spreading awareness on the homeless population in his area and has been creating care packages filled with healthy supplies, clean undergarments, and snack packs. Over the past months, I have had the honor of…

  • I’m thankful

    New poetic work- I’m thankful I’m thankful… I’m thankful for the love and friendships we have acquired over the years I’m thankful for the memories we shared and the stories we pass on and endeared I’m thankful for the family we created, both blood and chosen I’m thankful for the scars that remind us of…

  • “Broken Beautiful” available on Amazon today!

    “Broken Beautiful” I hope you all enjoy! bookrelease #shareyourstory #thisismybrave #positivethinking #lgbtq #blacklivesmatter #stopasianshate #poetrycommunity #writerlift #FreshInkGroup Please pick up your copy today! Broken Beautiful https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095Q9V578/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F8GH5YEBNV018VXK7C1E

  • #BookRelease any moment! “Broken Beautiful”

    At any moment, Kindle Direct will release my latest poetry collection, “Broken Beautiful” “A poetic reflection of 2020” Thank you everyone who has encouraged me to keep writing and share my work! I hope you all enjoy! Will share the link soon for purchase information. Stay tuned!!

  • Mother taught me- poetry

    Happy Mother’s Day everyone. This is my tribute to my mom- Mother taught me by frs Mother taught me Mother taught me to respect everyoneNo matter the hate they spewed across the universe No matter the differences in opinion they may have hadNo matter if they showed me disrespect or tormentMother taught me Mother taught…

  • Points of Light- New poet works

    Points of Light- New poet works

    Points of Light By Forrest Robert Stepnowski (From soon to be released “Broken Beautiful”) How much more are we willing to tolerate? How many more heartbreaks must our tribe endure? We fear We isolate We’ve become reclusive Self-care becomes, a mystery  Intangible Almost a pipedream We are glued to the news and social media Witnessing…

  • Forrest Takes a Journey Vlog Show Debut- Ep. 1- “Who the heck is this guy?!”

    Today, my vlog show “Forrest Takes a Journey” debuted today! Please click the video below and watch the inaugural episode, like it, and Subscribe! There will be more coming your way!

  • #MyJourney to health and well-being- #NoomNerd style

    As some of you know, I have on a journey to become healthier and more fit after a long year of making poor eating choices. In reality, it’s been a lifetime of making poor choices, just saying. Today, #Noom had me do an assignment related to “writing my story”. One would think this would be…

  • Journey to Self Care; A story we all should share

    Hey everyone, As some of you know, I have been on a journey to become a healthier person. This is more than becoming physically fit, but mentally fit as well. I have survived much in my life, but this does not mean I am not broken sometimes. I have fought depression and PTSD most of…

  • February Updates- My Health and My New Book

    Hello everyone, I hope you are remaining safe and healthy. This past year brought many ups and downs for all us. Many of my friends and colleagues have struggled with loneliness, depression, and anxiety for many different reasons. For me, I began a new journey on February 1 and have started the Arbonne 30-day health…

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